How Expensive Is It To Die In Utah?
Planning for a funeral is never a fun endeavor but it is a necessary one when thinking about the cost.
Thinking of loved ones or friends passing on is a sad affair but it's a part of life. It maybe shouldn’t be an expensive ordeal, but it is. Certain states average funeral costs are higher than others but Utah is somewhere in the middle.
The World Population Review looked at the average cost of funerals in each state. The average overall is anywhere from $7,000 to $9,000. If for some terrible reason you have funerals for multiple family members at once, the cost would be high.
The state with the highest funeral cost is Hawaii at $15,203 in 2024. That is an extremely expensive funeral. This does not include end-of-life costs which can average about $27, 175 in Hawaii. That is a total of $42,378 for one funeral and the death of a person.
In Utah, the cost for a funeral is a more “reasonable” price at $7,536. We are on the lower end of funeral costs per state. The beehive state’s end-of-life expenses average around $13,470. Both cost a little over $21,000.
Basically, it's really expensive to die...at least for your relatives.
However, these are just averages and the pricing could fluctuate. Even in death there are rights that must be honored. One of them is funeral rights which the Federal Trade Commission established in 1984. The “Funeral Rule” gives you the right to buy only the services and funeral goods that you want. You also should be given an itemized statement of the goods and services and transparency of price over the phone should be available, the WPR said.
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