Utah’s Favorite Dog Breeds
National Walking the Dog Day is right around the corner. What? Didn’t you know that was a thing? Well, it is and if you’re an animal lover like me, you don’t really need an excuse to be around your fuzzy family members.
I grew up with a Sheltie sibling:
According to AVMA.org many people in the U.S. own dogs, 76,811.305 to be exact, and according to Britannica.com dogs have lived alongside humans for more than 12,000 years. With the help/intervention of humans' dogs have evolved from the gray wolf into more than 300 distinct breeds.
So, with National Walking the Dog Day on the way, I wondered what Utah’s favorite dog breed is. After I found out what Utah’s favorite dog breed is, I decided to ask you, yes you, the extraordinarily attractive with excellent taste, B921 listeners what your favorite dog breeds are. First, the AKC doesn’t rank the most popular dog breeds by state, however, they do rank the top five most popular dog breeds. The latest year they have is 2021 and rank the top five as:
5. Poodle
4. German Sheperd
3. Golden Retriever
2. French Bulldog
1. Labrador Retriever
According to businessinsider.com Utah’s favorite dog breed is the Cocker Spaniel, and newsweek.com ranks Golden Retrievers as Utah’s favorite furry friend.
Business Insider Utah Favorite Cocker Spaniel:
Newsweek Utah Favorite Golden Retriever:
According to you, the B921 listeners, there are many favorites, and like me, the inability to pick a favorite. Your favorites include:
Mini Schnauzers
Australian Shepherds
Golden Doodles
maybe she's born with it.....
Pit Bulls/Pit Bull Mixes
Labradors/Black Labradors
English Bulldogs
Celebrate your favorite pupper on National Walking the Dog Day on February 23rd.