What’s The Most Misspelled Word In Utah?
Spelling is wicked hard sometimes.
But thank goodness we have the miracle of modern technology on our side. Any time we don't know how to spell a word, all we have to do is pull out our phone and google it.
Recently, Google Trends released a list of what people google the most when they start their search with the question "How do you spell..."
The answers were somewhat surprising. In some states, people had trouble with simple words like "Cheese"(Alaska) and "Tomato"(California).
Heck, in West Virginia, people had the hardest time spelling..."West Virginia".
And then there's Utah. Utah's most difficult word to spell was...
That is such an incredibly hard word to spell, I almost feel guilty about it.
I mean, when Georgia can't spell a word like "Little" and we're over here googling the big guns, I feel like our state must be overrun by gosh-darn geniuses!
Now just in case you didn't know what a Boutonniere is, it' the flower that someone wears pinned to their suit coat. It's a fancy word with fancy spelling for fancy people thank you very much.
I have such incredible pride for my state right now. Well done Utah. Well Done.
In case you'd like to see what the rest of the country has a hard time spelling, check out this gallery below.
The Most Misspelled Word In Every State