Interesting: Utah's Top Google Searches Are SurprisingInteresting: Utah's Top Google Searches Are SurprisingHere is what Utahns are googling in 2025:Elle CabreraElle Cabrera
Utah's Top Google Searches Showcase Utah's DiversityUtah's Top Google Searches Showcase Utah's DiversityUtah may be known as a highly conservative and religious state but its top Google searches don't show that at all. Learn more here:Elle CabreraElle Cabrera
How to Erase the Information Google Has on You in SecondsHow to Erase the Information Google Has on You in SecondsWith every keystroke, internet search, and clicked link, Google is collecting our info. Jolana MillerJolana Miller
Utahns Have A Short Time Until Google Deletes TheseUtahns Have A Short Time Until Google Deletes TheseGoogle is getting ready to purge inactive Gmail accounts. These are accounts that haven't been logged into in two years.David HiattDavid Hiatt
The Top 5 Things Utahn's Are Googling Right NowThe Top 5 Things Utahn's Are Googling Right NowDid you know that the U.S. Googles more than ANY other country? So here in Utah what are we Googling most? Here's the list:AaroneeAaronee
Google Is Getting People Lost In the Arizona Strip Google Is Getting People Lost In the Arizona Strip Googling directions to the Grand Canyon has left some people broken down in the desert.David HiattDavid Hiatt
EXPOSED! Government Takeover in 3....2.....EXPOSED! Government Takeover in 3....2.....If you're on social media at all, you will see a theme of everyone worried about a governmental takeover. Well it's true. Everything you've heard. It's ALL true.AaroneeAaronee
Google to Notify You When Your Contact Info Appears in SearchesGoogle to Notify You When Your Contact Info Appears in SearchesHey, Google. Stop telling people where I live.Rob CarrollRob Carroll
What's The Most Misspelled Word In Utah?What's The Most Misspelled Word In Utah?Google Trends released the most misspelled word in every state, and Utah's word is INCREDIBLY fancy.MikeyMikey
The Top 10 Things Utah Googled To Find "Near Me" In 2022The Top 10 Things Utah Googled To Find "Near Me" In 2022These are the top 10 things that Utah wanted to find "near me" in 2022.BonnieBonnie