20 Weird Food Combos People In Utah Swear Taste Good
Hey are you looking for a new snack? Wanna get crazy with it?
Usually when weird food combinations happen, they are the result of being
1) Pregnant, or
2) Super, Super Drunk.
Listen, this is a safe place and we're not here to judge you. If you think maple syrup and nacho cheese sauce belong on a ham sandwich, go ahead and LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE.
If you're like me, you consider snacks to be proof that life is worth living. I'm not sure what the meaning of life is, and frankly I don't think I really care. All I know is while I'm alive and have a tongue full of tastebuds, I'm gonna use and abuse those little buggers until I find my happy place. And isn't that living life to the fullest is all about?
So who are we to deny the gifts the universe have given us?? It's time to put on our lab coats and experiment with every element on the periodic table until we get all fat n' sassy with the discovery of a lifetime.
We asked our followers on Instagram "What weird food combos do you enjoy?" and we got some very interesting responses. Feel free to try these all out yourself and let us know how they go for you.
20 Weird Food Combos People In Utah Swear Taste Good