It’s that weekend when things get a little bit crazy, a little bit fun and a little bit dangerous in Utah and across the U.S.  

Let’s be honest, Super Bowl Weekend is a crazy time whether you watch the game or not. Restaurants get a bit crazy; traffic is worse, and neighborhoods are packed with cars at the “game house”.  

Pizza places, wing restaurants and even Italian places are going to have a very busy weekend but that’s not the most concerning part.  

Utahns, I can’t stress this enough but do not get behind the wheel impaired. Just don’t. Set aside some time for a get-home plan or crashing at your friend’s place. There are no excuses.  

The Advocates Injury Attorneys said that by the end of Super Bowl Sunday, 42% of fatal crashes are from drunk drivers. Deaths also increased to 41% after the game.  

The hour after the game is the most dangerous time to be driving.  

Utah law enforcement is taking measures to try and prevent these fatalities as much as possible. A news article by KSL said that 24 agencies state-wide will have an additional 75 shifts to have more officers available and present.  

That means more cops on the road and a higher chance of you getting pulled over. Just don’t do it. Don’t drink and drive.  

Utah Law Enforcement Recommends 

  • Having a plan to get home 
  • Making sure friends and family don't get behind the wheel drunk 
  • Use taxis and ride shares 
  • Call UHP if you see a drunk driver 


Super Bowl Foods That’ll Have Your Guests Running for the Door

There are plenty of unique snacks you could serve at your Super Bowl party, but just because you can doesn’t mean you should. Check out this list of foods you’re better off skipping during the big game celebration.

Gallery Credit: Jake Foster


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