Discover the competitive eating scene in Utah! Although it ranked last, Utah scored 85.1 on the Eateries Review Score. From small local contests to delicious food offerings, there's potential for growth.
Stay safe during outdoor activities in Utah! Check out this article for important guidelines on how to handle encounters with venomous snakes and ensure your safety.
Since it’s cold outside, most people won’t be thinking of going swimming anytime soon unless it’s in a hot spring, and Utah has several.
Finding Hot Springs has mapped out the 12 best places for both artificial and natural hot springs in the state. There are even two ho...
It may still be winter in Utah, but its never too early to be thinking about a new spring and summer hobby like horseback riding.
Hurricane native Casey Campbell says she has been around horses all her life. At the ripe age of 11, Campbell’s father let her train her own horse, but she was well-versed in riding, tack equipment knowledge, and big livestock before then.