KDXU Sunrise Stories for July 21, 2023
KDXU Sunrise Stories: Volume 17
Statewide News – 07/21/23
Presidential Candidate Begins Campaign in Utah
Republican presidential candidate and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will be making his way to Salt Lake City today. State Senator Todd Weiler, who’s endorsed DeSantis, confirmed the presidential candidate will arrive at the state capitol will arrive this afternoon.
Sen. Weiler also said DeSantis will hold a press conference at the capitol building and will attend multiple private events as well.
Wife of Apostle Passes
Patricia Terry Holland, the wife of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints, has passed away.
Patricia grew up in Southern Utah and attended Dixie High School along with Elder Holland. Patricia married Elder Holland in 1963 after a five-year courtship at the St. George Temple, kicking off a 60-year marriage.
Patricia passed away at age 81.
Tony Bennett Passes from Alzheimer's
Singer and Songwriter Tony Bennett passed away this morning at the age of 96.
While not a resident of Utah, Bennett has quite the following throughout the beehive state.
Bennett was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2016 but continued to perform until 2021 when he shared the stage with Lady Gaga at Radio City Music Hall in New York City.
Sidenote: If you’re looking for a solid Tony Bennett song, you can’t go wrong with “Fly Me to the Moon.”
UPS Workers May Strike in Utah
Workers for UPS in Utah are ready to strike if their demands aren’t met by the package delivery company.
Dozens of workers staged a picketing practice Thursday in West Valley City. They want changes in wages, benefits, and opportunities. They want a particular focus on better pay for part-time workers.
UPS and the Teamsters Union are currently scheduled to resume negotiations on July 25.
Southern Utah/St. George News – 07/21/23
Injured Motorcycle Driver’s Health in Flux
A man who was injured in a motorcycle crash on Wednesday near Red Cliffs is currently sedated with need for multiple surgeries for his head injury.
The man, who is only known as Jamison through official reports, has already had surgery done on his pelvis due to injuries from the crash.
Jamison’s family has set up a GoFundMe to help pay for his medical expenses.
Burglars Steal 4 Safes from Businesses in Cedar City
Authorities in Cedar City are searching for missing safes that were stolen by burglars.
The safes come from various restaurants in the festival city, as well as Foster’s Market in Enoch. Two of the safes have been recovered, but two others are still missing.
Each safe reportedly contained $1,500 to $2,000.
New St. George City Hall Details
The groundbreaking ceremony for the new St. George City Hall will happen sometime in September, but new details have emerged surrounding the origins of the new building.
Director of Communication and Marketing for the City of St. George, David Cordero, said the original concept was to make an expansion to the current city hall, but then the pandemic hit the city hard in April 2020.
Cordero said it gave them more time to ponder on the building and decided to move on to a new building built from scratch.
Pioneer Day Celebrations
While St. George will not have an “official” firework display, Washington City is planning to have a Pioneer Day firework show at 10 p.m.
Fireworks will be legal to the public from July 22 to July 25. Be sure to be safe and aware of where you set them off as it’s going to be hot and dry this weekend.
If you’re looking for things to do on Pioneer Day, or if you don’t even know what the Utah holiday is all about, check out our article on the subject.
Fun Fact about Stockton Myers, the writer of Sunrise Stories.
Stockton learned about his love for Journalism when he joined Sun News Daily at Utah Tech University. He had a really steep learning curve to overcome, but the more he learned, the more he knew this was what he wanted to do for a living.
Also, you may have noticed we have a logo now! That logo comes from Stockton’s friend and former colleague at Sun News Daily, Brynlee Wade. Big Thanks to Brynlee for her awesome talents.
Did we miss something? Then connect with us on Facebook! We'd love to hear from you.
Have a great weekend!
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