KDXU Sunrise Stories for August 3, 2023: Heavy Rainfall, Injuries Near Sand Dunes, and Springdale Star Gazing
KDXU Sunrise Stories: Volume 25
Statewide News – 08/03/23
Heavy Rainfall Hits Wasatch Front
The monsoon season didn’t show mercy for the Wasatch Front on August 2.
Heavy rainfall hit most of Northern Utah, with some of the heaviest amounts coming from Magna, which measured 2 ¾ inches of rain, and West Valley City, which got 2 2/3 inches.
Most of Northern Utah received over an inch of rain on average, and Salt Lake City and Kaysville are under a flood watch until 3 p.m. today.
Utah Receives Grant to Protect Kids from Lead in Drinking Water
Utah will be receiving $599,000 in federal grant money to protect children from lead in drinking water.
The Environmental Protection Agency announced this week that the grant will be aimed at reducing lead in drinking water in schools and childcare facilities.
Congress banned the use of lead pipes in 1986, but many old piping systems still contain the toxic material.
Southern Utah/St. George News – 08/03/23
Quick Reminder on Upcoming Events
- A congressional debate will take place on Saturday, August 5, at 6 p.m. in the Washington County School District Building.
- The “Truth-in-Taxation" Meeting from the will take place on Monday, August 7, at 6 p.m. at Dixie High School.
Side-By-Side in Southern Utah Leads to Injuries and Life Flight
A 30-year-old male motorcycle driver suffered injuries on August 2 due to a side-by-side collision near Sand Hallow State Park.
The man possibly suffered a spinal cord injury, so authorities called for assistance from Search and Rescue to retrieve the man via Life Flight helicopter.
Search and Rescue retrieved the man, and he is now recovering at St. George Regional Hospital.
For more on the story, check out our full article for more details.
T-Bone Crash Closes Down Medical Center Drive
A T-Bone collision between a sage Subaru and a red Nissan led to the closure of a street giving access to St. George Regional Hospital.
The street was only closed for a short period on August 2, and it’s unknown as to how severe the injuries were for the drivers.
Another Power Outage for Residents of Veyo
The residents of Veyo can’t catch a break this week, since the small Southern Utah town suffered another power outage on August 2.
Lightning struck a power pole on Center Street leading to the loss of power for many of the residents.
The previous power outage from earlier this week came from a bird flying into a power line.
Both of these power outages were restored just a few hours afterwards, courtesy of Rocky Mountain Power.
Springdale Designated an International Dark Sky Community
Want to go star gazing? Then Springdale is perfect for your needs.
The small town just outside of Zion National Park is now an official Dark Sky Community, which means it’s been officially designated as a wonderful place for star gazing.
This comes from Dark Sky International, which is a group of people, businesses, and elected officials who try to preserve the views of the night sky.
In some cases, this requires regulations to change lighting during the evening hours for something more star gazer friendly.
Fun fact about Stockton Myers, the writer of Sunrise Stories.
Stockton once had a dream of opening a restaurant...but he was just 8 years old when he had this dream. This means he didn’t know about the challenges of owning a restaurant, but that didn’t stop him from trying to make his own culinary works of art.
Like the heart attack quesadilla, which didn’t have any cheese in it, and was just bacon, eggs, and hash browns sandwiched between two tortillas...it wasn’t good.
Did we miss something? Connect with us on Facebook and tell us! We’d love to hear from you. No joke.
Happy Friday Eve.
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