Hiker And Dog Home Safely Thanks To Iron County Volunteers
Iron County Search and Rescue Volunteers responded to an alert of dehydrated and exhausted male hiker who had been out with his dog. Volunteers rolled out around 5PM Tuesday evening. The hiker was on a trail located at the top of Cedar Mountain off of Highway 14 near the gypsum mine. He was unable to hike out on his own. Ten Search and Rescue volunteers were on scene along with two Iron County Sheriff's Deputies, and one Bureau of Land Management Park Ranger.
Volunteers were also supported by the Iron County Sheriff's helicopter and a Utah Highway Patrol helicopter. The highway patrol also brought in a hoist specialist for assistance.
The volunteer team hiked in as far as they were able, but on coming to an area of loose shale they determined that hiking all the way to the hike would be nearly impossible.
One Search and Rescue volunteer along with the two Iron County Sheriff's Deputies made the perilous attempt, often climbing on hands and knees and sliding backwards. They were finally able to reach the hiker and the dog and gave water to the stranded patients.
They assisted the hiker back to a plateau where the UHP Star 9 Helicopter was able to perform the hoist maneuver. The hiker was transported by helicopter back to the asphalt trail on State Route 14.
The Search and Rescue volunteer and the two sheriff's deputies were able to hike back out of the area with the dog. The hiker and the dog were met by the hiker's wife and taken home.
The rescue effort was concluded at approximately 10:30PM.
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