Is Someone From Utah On The Masked Singer?
I've been an avid Masked Singer fan since season one when Donny Osmond was on. For someone born in the 80's, this is a perfect competition show for me. The majority of the contestants peaked in the 80's and 90's. So, the contestants are usually people I can identify.
We are now nearing the end of season 9. They've had several unmasking's so far of people I grew up watching or listening to.
For instance, Dick Van Dyke was unmasked near the beginning of the season. It was extremely heart warming to see him take part in the competition.
Others like Howie Mandel, Melissa Joan Hart, Michael Bolton, Debbie Gibson and Holly Robinson Peete have all been unmasked.
The contestants still in the competition are Medusa, California Roll, UFO, Mantis, Macau, and Gargoyle.
But I would like to talk about one specifically; The Macau. From the second I heard his first song, I recognized his voice. In the words of one of the judges, Ken Jeong, "I know exactly who this is!"
In my expert opinion, The Macau is most definitely David Archuletta, the beloved singer from Utah! I'm willing to put money on this. However it is illegal to bet in Utah, so I won't be making any bets.
The Masked Singer season 9 is on Fox on Wednesday nights. Or if you stream your channels, you can watch it on Hulu on Thursdays. Make sure you watch the finale to realize how prophetic I am!