Photo/Taylor Brandon on Unsplash
Photo/Taylor Brandon on Unsplash


Photo/Andrea Wright
Photo/Andrea Wright


Last weekend I went with a friend to check out Gunlock Falls. I was curious as I had never been to Gunlock State Park before and my friend had not been there for a long time. Just outside St. George, Gunlock State Park was established in 1970 and is home to boating, fishing, camping, swimming, and occasionally waterfalls. The falls are a phenomenon that happens every few years or so when the winter has been wet enough for a significant amount of runoff. 

Photo/Andrea Wright
Photo/Andrea Wright


We arrived at Gunlock State Park around noonish and the place was absolutely packed. From the top of the falls, we could see a line of traffic that stretched for a mile and many people were parking on the side of the road, you’ll want to watch traffic closely when that happens because you’ll be walking along either side of parked cars. The line going up to the falls was very crowded and a bit slippery and steep at times, so you’ll want to be patient as it will probably take a little while to get around people. 


Photo/Andrea Wright
Photo/Andrea Wright


Photo/Andrea Wright
Photo/Andrea Wright


The falls were, in a word, awesome and definitely worth the sore leg muscles I have today as I’m writing this. If you decide to go check out the falls, one of the things you’ll want to remember is to not get into the water where the falls are. The water was very cold and running very quickly and that meant that park rangers needed to come by and tell people to get out of the water so they didn’t get hurt.  

Photo/Andrea Wright
Photo/Andrea Wright

If you go and check out Gunlock Falls, be careful and have fun. 


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