Driving Pet Peeves In St. George Utah
"What is your biggest driving pet peeve?"
Recently the question was asked on Reddit, and the answers were many. The list was pretty darn extensive, but I've narrowed it down to 5 that I relate to the most, since I see these here in my hometown of St. George Utah all the time.
1. "Nice" people who stop in the middle of a roundabout to let cars enter.
This drives me crazy! This is not how roundabouts work!
2. People pulling out right in front of you when there's a large gap of no traffic right behind you.
To be fair, I've done this. However it was because I didn't notice there was a gap after the car I pulled in front of. So I do understand a little.
3. People driving the same speed side-by-side on the highway, and creating a slow road block no one can pass. This includes trucks.
This happens all the time on I-15 going up the Black Ridge.
Listen. There is only one time this is acceptable. When Jean Claude Van Damme does it! (video)
4. Anyone who tosses trash out the window, including cigarette butts.
I used to throw my apple cores out the window. I assumed that it wasn't trash since it was biodegradable. After my kids saw me doing it, they yelled at me and told me that it's still considered littering. When you know better, do better amaright?
5. People on their phones . . . on the road or at intersections.
You'd think after all the accidents that have happened, people would stop using their phones while driving. I do understand that sometimes the siren song of a phone can tempt you into using it, but really most conversations can wait.
What are some of your pet peeves behind the wheel?