Utah is just one of many states to implement book banning which limits “sensitive materials” and one of the most beloved fantasy authors of the age is on the list.  

Before I jump into who that is let's go over what “sensitive materials” mean. Basically, anything that can be seen as lude... 

No, I am not saying straight-up pornography covers on books should be allowed, the Utah Code Section 76-10-1201 prohibits that, and hormonal teens have enough media. However, sometimes just alluding to the act of intercourse or anything similar will be banned. Also, anything with torture or abuse is banned. 

Each parent gets to make the decision on whether or not something is appropriate, and I totally agree with that. I simply wonder if not allowing some materials could be harmful. Let's say in the worst-case scenario, a minor is assaulted, if they don’t have the knowledge that could prove to be difficult to detect. They may think nothing is wrong.  

I’ll leave that judgment up to you.  

Utah has a ban on the beloved author Sarah J. Maas who, admittedly, writes some very steamy stuff but not always. I am a big fan and do see that two of her three series have content not suitable for minors. However, her first series in Throne of Glass is perhaps more heart-wrenching and gory than anything. It also details some abuse.  

The Salt Lake Tribune has a whole list compiled through GRAMA to see which books in the largest counties are banned. Washington County has the most banned Sarah J. Maas books. Interestingly, there is no specified reason for any of these bans. 

There are also several books regarding LGBTQ+ topics banned on the list as well...with no reason specified... 

So, should all these books be banned? What about Milk and Honey, a holocaust story? Yes, it's on the list too.  

Utah seems to have a knack for trying to keep ugly truths away from kids but sometimes, that’s a good thing. It all just depends.  

Beloved Author Stephen King has wise(ish) words on the whole book banning thing:

Hey, kids! It’s your old buddy Steve King telling you that if they ban a book in your school, haul you’re a** to the nearest bookstore or library ASAP and find out what they don’t want you to read.”  —Stephen King 



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Gallery Credit: jrwitl

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