The art wall at Groovacious is celebrating the visual art of the music industry in connection with the Southern Utah Museum of Art. 

Photo/Andrea Wright


SUMA just wrapped up its teen art camp with a display fit for Cedar City’s record store. 

Photo/Andrea Wright
Photo/Andrea Wright

The teen art camp taught students about the visual art of the music industry. Some of that visual art includes branding, poster design, and merchandise. 


Photo/Andrea Wright
Photo/Andrea Wright


The week-long workshop series at SUMA had teens experimenting with media like printmaking, stencils, collage, and zines. 


Photo/Andrea Wright
Photo/Andrea Wright


Personal branding is very important in the music industry. A Rolling Stone article mentions that personal branding is about being unique and consistent across platforms. 


Included below are images from the Pink Floyd Exhibition: Their Mortal Remains. Because the Pink Floyd brand is probably one of the most iconic in the industry.

Pink Floyd Exhibition: Their Mortal Remains - Preview
Tim P. Whitby
Pink Floyd Exhibition: Their Mortal Remains - Preview
Tim P. Whitby

Concert posters can be iconic. I've picked up a few posters during my concert adventures over the years. I’ll leave a link to a Paste article on the best rock concert posters here. 

Pink Floyd Exhibition: Their Mortal Remains - Preview
Tim P. Whitby

Groovacious is located at 195 West 650 South in Cedar City. 

Photo/Andrea Wright
Photo/Andrea Wright

The Southern Utah Museum of Art is located at 13 South 300 West Cedar City. 

Photo/Andrea Wright
Photo/Andrea Wright


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