St. George is a place known for having car washes, and a lot of them at that. There is even a running joke about having so many car washes that it’s the reason for the water issues (all jokes, of course).  

Southern Utah is primarily filled with soda stops and car washes, but it could have so much more! The ever-growing population of families, college students, and out-of-staters need to have a few more options for all ages.  

There is an indoor rock climbing facility, and a lot of biking, hiking, and more climbing opportunities around Southern Utah. But what about the people who don’t want to sweat in the heat, or prefer fewer physical activities? 

I, for one, would love more “chill” options to choose from in my free time. 

Things St. George Needs:

Ice Rink 

St. George needs a year-round ice rink that can handle the public, figure skaters, and a hockey team. Southern Utahns really like competitive sports, and this would add options for all the kids (or adults) who want to try a new activity. An ice rink would really be nice in the blazing summer too and offer a reprieve from the sweltering heat.  


A True Used Bookstore 

Though there have been smaller locations and attempts for used bookstores in the past, St. George does not have a true used books stop. It would be so great to have a community-based used bookshop that can allow those who don’t have a ton of money to purchase their own copies of books. Or that old person down the street would finally have somewhere to put those decades' worth of books.  


Dance club/bar 

Yes, St. Georgians have access to bars and some of them have TVs but none of them is the dance club style that people enjoy in other places. A bar/dance club would add to the Southern Utah nightlife and cater to the college scene.  


A Renaissance Festival  

If you’re a fantasy lover or enjoy cosplay, this one is for you. St. George has some great festivals but it's really missing a large dress-up-themed event that’s for people of all ages. There would be turkey legs, old-timey food, jousting, and KNIGHTS! Who wouldn’t want to see some jousting performances or listen to some folk music? 


LOOK: 25 must-visit hidden gems from across the US

From secret gardens to underground caves, Stacker compiled a list of 25 must-visit hidden gems from across the United States using travel guides, news articles, and company websites.

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