Here Are 13 Utah Police Questions That Should Be Illegal
In 2024 California police will no longer be able to ask if you know why they pulled you over. Rather they will state the reason. At first glance I thought this was annoying, but as I thought about it I realized that I never really liked that moment. It feels like I am being interrogated and if I am not strong enough the officer can push me to make an admission of guilt.
I think it's unfair, the officer has the authority, the knowledge of the law and observation and usually the intimidation advantage. So usually I confess to things they might not have even thought of.
What questions should we be taking away from police in Utah when they pull us over?
Here are a few suggestions:
I see an empty double meal bag, did you eat all of that yourself?
Do you root for the Jazz?
Have you ever considered a carwash?
Do you belong to a gym? Could I recommend one?
Would you like to make a donation to the police fund this year?
Is that the fastest this family wagon can go?
Do you want to be part of my bunco group?
Do you have kids or did the vehicle get this messy without help?
If you don't have kids, why not?
Did you mean to have your hair look like that or did it dry that way because your windows were down?
Is this your wife's vehicle or did you actually think you look good in a VW bug with headlight lashes?
Are you single?
How much did you pay for those gold Versace high tops?
What questions would you add to the list of that an officer could ask us that would surely cause us to admit guilt? There should be a limit to the questions we have to answer.
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Gallery Credit: Dave Fields