Spinning the iPad around for "A few questions":

I just ordered a hot chocolate... the iPad has a few questions for me? I bet I can guess what those questions are! Would I like to tip 40%, 50% or 75%? NEW RULE: If we order standing up, or at a drive-thru window... we don't tip. I think that's fair.

The "How Many Moms?" Joke:

It's such a tired joke that nearly EVERYONE assumes you've never heard before. It's always people that have never been to Utah. Actually though, Utah is probably more anti-polygamy than anywhere else in the country.

Referring to St. George as "St. Geezy":

I guess this one mostly refers to Southern Utahns. Anytime someone refers to St. George as "St. Geezy", I can almost guarantee that person does NOT live in St. George.

The Overly Aggressive Sales Bro:

Most of the Sales Bros hail from Utah, but we still get them too. Some of them get so aggressive, they will NOT let you close the door. Also, some Sales Bros ignore that "No Soliciting" sign so bad that they view it as a target. I've been told the people with "No Soliciting" signs are the ones you should go after harder. That's messed up.

Bringing Your Babies/Kids To R-Rated Movies:

This happens constantly around here. You're at a movie that is NOT made for kids, yet people bring their kids to the show! It's different if you're at a movie MADE for kids. But when it's an adult movie and you've brought your kids? Come on.

Criticizing ANYONE'S Religion: 

Utahns usually protect other Utahns. Of course There's always tons of 'Mormon Jokes' or just flat out put-downs. But no matter the religion, people of Utah really don't stand for that. It's not cool to make fun of something that's sacred to others.

Refusing To Put Your Shopping Cart Away:

This happens all the time here, but the general Utah population gets incredibly annoyed when they see it happen. The cart return is usually within 50 feet at least. Don't leave your cart in a parking spot, and don't park it up on the curb. Just return it. We're all judging you.

The Public Displays of Affection:

Utah is HOME to the 18 year olds getting married. You wouldn't think that you'd see making out in CHURCH, but you see it all the time in Utah. There's always kissing, hugging, rubbing, hair playing, all of it... We get it! You're in love! Take it somewhere else.

Incorrect Pronunciation of "Zion"

Each state has this, like if you call Nevada "Nuh-Vaw-Duh"... But if you're talking about Zion, please... it's Zion like LION. Not ZY-ON!

Trying To Change "Dixie"

St. George has been known as Dixie for like 600 years, but now, someone moved here and said "Yo, that's racist." So now, people want to change it. Last time I spoke about this, I had a business owner angry at me, so I'll leave it at this... Dixie isn't changing.

The "Utah has the worst drivers" Thing:

CONSTANTLY we hear that Utah has the worst drivers. I've traveled A LOT, and I've definitely encountered worse drivers. Especially drivers in California. The California drivers drive SO FAST, change lanes with zero notice, cut you off, then cut someone else off... Utah may drive slower, but they're definitely not the worst. According to World Population Review, the top 5 WORST DRIVERS belong to Mississippi, North Dakota, California, Florida and Nevada.

Utah Is Full of Old People:

You may think that Utah is just FULL of Old People but would it surprise you to learn that Utah is actually the YOUNGEST state of the entire United States? It's true!

Telling A Southern Utahn "It must be freezing there!":

Anytime I travel to somewhere far away from Utah, I always get the "It's freezing there!" or "You get a lot of snow there!" Um... Nope! The entire state is not mountains and snow!

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