Small Towns

This Charming Town In Utah Deserves WAY MORE Attention
This Charming Town In Utah Deserves WAY MORE Attention
This Charming Town In Utah Deserves WAY MORE Attention
Have you ever been to Kanab? Maybe you've passed through on your way to Lake Powell. But, have you ever truly stopped and taken in the WHOLE AREA? You're a big dummy if you don't. Kanab is AMAZING, and more people need to know about it! Here are the top r...
WHOA: Awesome Stories Of How THESE Utah Towns Got Their Names!
WHOA: Awesome Stories Of How THESE Utah Towns Got Their Names!
WHOA: Awesome Stories Of How THESE Utah Towns Got Their Names!
Utah has some BIZARRE names, that are TOTALLY hard to pronounce and spell! Do you ever wonder where these names come from?! Some of these places have some REALLY AWESOME stories as to where the names came from! Tooele: Many don't know this, but in the 1853, Tooele was actually spelled Tuilla...
Utah’s Top 10 TINIEST TOWNS That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Utah’s Top 10 TINIEST TOWNS That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
Utah’s Top 10 TINIEST TOWNS That You’ve Probably Never Heard Of
10. Kingston Population: 158 Location: Piute County,  45.5 miles south of Richfield (As the crow flies). Home of: Named after Thomas Rice King who settled the city with his family in 1876. 9. Brian Head Population: 154 Location: Iron County, up high in the mountains. 11.5 mil ... Read More ...
The Smallest City In Utah Has Only 149 People
The Smallest City In Utah Has Only 149 People
The Smallest City In Utah Has Only 149 People
When I first moved to St. George, Utah from Las Vegas, I was under the impression that St. George was a tiny town. I was wrong. St. George is actually the 5th largest city in the state, and is growing every day. Wanna see what a TRULY small town in Utah looks like? Wel...