Last night, I saw a post on Facebook from a friend of mine asking for advice after her son has been bullied for the SECOND time in the last 2 weeks. The post reads:
"Parents what would you do in this situation? I’m a super protective mom so I’m fuming right now and perhaps need a voice of reason.
This ...
I'm a dad now, and I cry A LOT MORE! Here are some of the BEST PARENTS that I totally thought were awful before I was a Dad!
Marlin, Finding Nemo:
My guy REFUSED to quit searching for his son when the odds were stacked against him. He ...
I owe Bluey an apology. Bluey, I was wrong about you.
Bluey, the Australian show for kids on Disney+, has been soaring in popularity lately not just around the world, but right here in my St. George Utah home.
My 8 year old loves the show, and just like a lot of things my kids watch, I walk through the living room, hear a little bit of it, HATE IT, then walk away.
When I was a 9 year old in the 80s, I was left home alone quite a bit. As long as I had my 6 (yes just 6) TV channels, and a box of cereal I was good to go. It sure beat going to TJ Maxx with my mom, or going to the post office with my dad. *shudde...
When our kids were younger, they would say really weird things that would stop us in our tracks.
One night, many years ago we all sat down at the dinner table and our then-six year old asked us,
"Is there a HELL in St. George?"