What kind of life does a mother of quintuplets live? According to Jamie Scott of Five Two Love, it's a life of fulfillment, love, and staying positive.
Thanksgiving is over and now the Christmas dread is starting. If you didn't quite survive Thanksgiving here are some ways to make Christmas more successful.
The PC (politically correct) police might pull me over on this one, but sometimes you just have to tell it like it is.
If we want our kids to be well-adjusted, motivated, high-achieving and contributors to society, they need a Mom and Dad, and they need them to be married to each other...
The Fletcher Family has been put through the ringer when it comes to racist behavior in Southern Utah, but she seeks to empower her children nonetheless.
Today marks a very unique holiday: National Goof Off Day.
There really is a celebration for everything and goofing off is no exception. The National Day Calendar says this lovely day began in 1976. Monica Moeller dubbed this a necessary holiday to celebrate not being so serious.