Survey Says: Southern Utah’s DIRTIEST Secrets!
Over 350 Southern Utahn's were surveyed recently answering some of the DIRTIEST, MOST PERSONAL QUESTIONS! The results might surprise you!
Have you ever had a One-Night Stand?
63% admit to having a ONE-NIGHT STAND... Almost 2/3 people! Shocked? ... Me neither.
Have you ever caught your parents being "Romantic?"
44% say YES they've walked in on their parents being ROMANTIC. I can proudly say... I've NEVER had this happen to me. THANK THE HIGH HEAVENS!
Have you ever been walked-in on while being "Romantic?"
56% admit to have been walked in on during... YIKES. Is that worse than walking in on your parents? I think it might be.
Have you ever hooked up with someone 20+ years older than you?
13% have admitted to hooking up with someone at least 20 years older than them!
This one feels so weird to me... But hey! When I'm 50, I'll probably change my mind!
Have you ever hooked up with your friends ex?
59% have hooked up with a friends ex! WOW! This number is WAY HIGHER than I thought it would be!
Have you ever hooked up with someone you weren't attracted to?
67% admit they've hooked up with someone they weren't attracted to... and We've all been there. You were in too deep! You didn't want to hurt their feelings! It's called TAKING ONE FOR THE TEAM!
Have you ever... "Faked it" to get it over with?
76% Have "FAKED IT" to get it over with... YIKES! That number is way too high... But are you really surprised?
Have you ever dated someone, but thought their PARENT was hotter than them?
68% say they've dated someone but was actually more attracted to their parent than them! OUCH!
Have you ever called someone the wrong name DURING?
16% Admit to this one! Someone reached out and said they forgot the guys name, called him Adam... His name was ALEX! Ooohhh.. Swing and a miss!
Have you ever sent a sext to the WRONG person?
32% have accidentally sent a sext to the WRONG person! That's almost 1 in 3 of all people! This happened to a friend of mine... He sent a middle of the night sext to... OUR BEST FRIENDS' DAD! It was hilarious!
Have you ever hooked up with MULTIPLE PEOPLE in ONE DAY?
35% HAVE admitted to hooking up with multiple people in one day... Now does that mean MULTIPLE PEOPLE at the same time? Or just multiple people hours apart? We'll never know!
Have you ever hooked up with someone SO UGLY you hoped nobody would ever find out?
25% admitted they HAVE been with someone so ugly, they didn't want anyone to ever find out about it! And WHO HASN'T had some creatures in their past that they're not proud of?
Have you ever had someone accidentally see your PRIVATE PHOTOS of yourself on your phone?
31% admitted that they HAVE had someone accidentally see their VERY private photos on their phone. WHOOPS! Can't unsee that!