Wedding Canceled After Bridesmaid Sparks Huge Family Blowup
This family has some serious wedding drama, according to a post in Reddit's Am I The A--hole forum.
The person who wrote the post explained that their uncle is marrying a girl named Mel, who would rather elope and have a "traditional wedding from her country," but the groom's mom, Amanda, is against it.
"Mel conceded that she was okay with having an additional third wedding where Amanda could do all the planning and Mel would veto anything she didn't like," the person explained.
"The problem started when Amanda was showing Mel the bridesmaid list. There were going to be 7 bridesmaids, and one of them was Jay's cousin Leti," they continued.
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They said that Leti has been "rude" to Mel ever since they met and constantly "talks s--t" about Mel.
"So Mel immediately vetoed it. Leti was in the room sitting with them during the veto and threw a fit, talking about how Mel is always rude to her. I can vouch for Mel and say that she never chooses to interact with Leti in any way shape/form," the person revealed.
They said that Leti claimed Mel had been holding a grudge against her for getting off on the wrong foot when they met.
However, Mel then pulled up a recent video proving that Leti talked about Mel behind her back, which was sent to her by the person who wrote the Reddit post.
"In it, Leti's calling her a b---h and saying stuff like she's not even that pretty, etc. Amanda sees this and immediately starts minimizing it saying oh she didn't mean that and so on," the person shared.
"At this point, I think Mel has had enough because everyone in the family knows how Leti acts towards her, but they never take it seriously. They only slightly tell Leti off and are always trying to convince Mel to not take it to heart," they continued.
Since Mel was fed up with the way Leti treated her, she decided to call off the wedding.
"She says this all nicely (as always) but Amanda is now crying, Leti's screaming at everyone, and other family members are saying that Mel should learn how to take a joke," the person wrote.
The person shared that after the family found out who sent the video, they became angry at them too.
Leti even called them a "snitch."
Many commenters agreed that the Reddit user was right and not at fault for the wedding being canceled.
"Trust me, this wedding was doomed from before it began, and you didn’t ruin anything. If anyone gives you trouble, remind them to take it up with Leti," one person commented.
"It was the right thing to do to send Mel the video. And it was the right thing to do to announce/acknowledge that you’re the one that sent it. Kudos for you for owning the fact you sent the video to Mel!" someone else agreed.
"If I was Mel I wouldn't be marrying into your family at all. Jesus," another person wrote.
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Gallery Credit: Michele Bird