Why Tin Foil Has a Shiny Side and Dull Side
Is the dull side of aluminum foil the non-stick side?
Is the shiny side of tin foil for hot food storage and the matte side for cold storage?
Are you only supposed to cook on the shiny side because it reflects better like a mirror?
Aluminum foil is a staple in any kitchen. Have you noticed that it's even used by some fast food restaurants to wrap warm sandwiches in so they hold their heat? I love that because it totally works with take-out.
So why exactly is one side dull and the other side of tin foil shiny? Are there really different uses for each side that will help our cooking or storage usages for a better eating experience?
No, not at all. Which side is used for which reason is one of the biggest myths out there. Neither side has any pro or con with cooking or storing your food according to the Family Handyman website.
There’s no “correct” side of aluminum foil to use when cooking. Both sides are equally effective at heating your food, though you might want to choose another option when storing leftovers.
So what's up with the shiny side versus the dull side? It's actually one of the best fun facts out there.
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According to the Simply Recipes website, it’s all in the manufacturing process.
Two layers of foil are placed on top of each other and polished steel rollers flatten and shape it. The side touching the rollers is shiny while the two sheets touching each other come out dull.
That's it. You can use which ever side you want, how you want.
However, there is one catch and that's if you buy non-stick aluminum foil. According to Simply Recipes, the dull side is the non-stick side so that's the side to cook your food.
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