I am in no way trying to make fun of those down and out on their luck nor am I suggesting that the problem is not serious, but sometimes the things that people on the street tell you are so funny I struggle not to laugh. As a bonus pictures of funny cardboard signs have been included.


I have the great privilege of working with some of the down and out in our state and this is a list of things I have been told. I like to note them because at times working with those whose future is bleak gets depressing:

1) You will not become ghosts, I have taken care of that


2) Utah thinks it can solve its homeless problem by giving us a home.

3) I'm not poor, I own my own business. Yeah, I have a circus that is worth 5 Million dollars, but it traveled on down the road when I got stuck in the hospital


4) If you make people laugh then you have done more than any saint including Mother Teresa

5) What you don’t understand is that I am not living my best life


6) I’m not in the system I got out and if I were my freedom-loving personality would break the system.

7) The more things change the more different they can be


8) Do you have anything in there that doesn't taste? I'm just done with food that isn't made right

9) Do you have any other shirts? I'm homeless tot clueless

Some of these quotes were born out of fatigue others seemed to come because their heads were not quite right. Sometimes the speaker seemed to know they were being funny, and other times they seemed to be waxing profound. Homelessness is not funny, but sometimes the interactions can make you smile.

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