R-RATED…Adam Carolla’s Rant DEFENDING MORMONS in Utah
Adam Carolla is one of the top podcasters in the world.
At one time he had the Guinness Book of World Records record for most podcast downloads or something like that. I'm not sure where he stands now in the Joe Rogan new world order but Carolla was one of the pioneers in podcasting.
I recently saw a rant he did about Mormons at one of his live shows.
Carolla is known for his improvised rants and as part of the show, members of the audience shout out topics to him. One in this Utah audience shouted out "Mormon." And I think they may have been surprised by Carolla's response.
YouTube transcript, blanks are expletives:
"I like Mormons because I like anyone who leaves me the [ __ ] alone and doesn't vandalize [ __ ] that's me the feel like the Mormons are like my neighbors who all they do is manicure their lawn and take care of their kids and then I have the other [ __ ] biker meth neighbors going to me those guys are nuts and I'm like I don't give a [ __ ] do you know what they think no I don't I know that they [ __ ] take care of their kids and mow their [ __ ] lawns and I know when I come to where they are there's not a bunch of graffiti and trash and homeless people walking in circles I don't have to climb over a pyramid of shopping carts to get to my [ __ ] front door like I do in LA where nobody's Mormon but it's a [ __ ] show so I come here and I go I don't know whatever the [ __ ] they're up to keep it up man."
Watch the full thing here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qscfEeyCSVU