A year of athletic events in St. George will kick off with the Virgin River Half-Marathon on January 18. 

David Cordero, the Communications Director for the City of St. George, said this athletic event is a rare one as it brings more pleasant weather than other races during the winter season. 

Cordero said, “It’s a spectacular race. It’s done on city trails that go along the Virgin River and you get to see a lot of our really great landscapes here in St. George, and it takes place around the [Dixie] Convention Center. Obviously, for the half-marathon party, it goes out farther, but there’s also a 10K, 5K, and the Fun Run Walk N Roll options as well, and here’s a great thing about living in St. George is we can have a half-marathon on January 18. How many other places in the mountain west can you do that?” 

Athletes can sign up for the race through the city’s website. Expo and packet pickup will be available on January 17 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Dixie Convention Center, located at 1835 S. Convention Center Dr.  

Those wishing to participate need to pay $100 dollars for the half-marathon, $65 for the 10K, $65 for the 5K, and $25 for the Fun Run Walk n’ Roll. 

City staff are also asking for volunteers to assist during the race with more information available on the official St. George City website. 

Regardless of the weather conditions, please be prepared for some colder weather if you’re planning on participating in the race. 

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