WTF: Stay at the WEIRDEST HOTEL in Utah!
I think it's time for the most ROMANTIC getaway you've EVER had.
Utah & Idaho have a chain of THEMED HOTELS that will BLOW YOUR MIND! It's called The Anniversary Inn, and I CANNOT get enough!
Here are some of the FUNNIEST, and MOST AMAZING hotel rooms that you can stay in tonight if you choose!
The Wild West:
Party like its 1855, baby! I hope you don't get Dysentery! In this room you get to sleep in an ACTUAL COVERED WAGON!
Bikers Roadhouse:
This room comes with your own motorcycle INSIDE THE ROOM! But... Why does the room look so cold?! For this, all you'll need is a black bandana, and your biker dreams can become a reality!
Cape Cod:
Imagine making love INSIDE A LIGHT HOUSE! The painting on the wall is KILLING ME! Bu look at that bathroom! I want to take a bath in that tub!
Hawaiian Hideaway:
Very island themed with a grass hut canopy above the bed! The best part, AGAIN, is the bathroom! The water runs down on you like a waterfall, and that is amazing!
Swiss Family Robinson:
Your romance will never be sexier... THAN IN THIS TREEHOUSE STYLE BEDROOM! You climb a staircase to the bed, covered in leaves! You'll feel 11 years old again in this hideout. Plus, check out that tub/shower! The water cascades down on top of you! I NEED THIS IN MY LIFE!
Mysteries Of Egypt:
What's sexier than mummies? That's right... NOTHING! Go back 4000 years. You be King Tut, she can be Cleopatra! This one might give nightmares! SIGN ME UP!
Jungle Safari:
This is so sexy! You take a staircase to your bed, animal pelts for your covers, and AN ELEPHANT TRUNK FOR YOUR SHOWER! You better find that loin cloth! This is gunna be hot!
This is the 2nd room with a lighthouse, but unlike the Cape Cod rood... Check out the Shower head... It's a clam. But nothing's ever looked more uncomfortable to me than that bed!
Sultan's Palace:
Again... More elephants. And is that a Phoenix rising from the ashes guarding the bathtub?! The bed gives me MAJOR S&M vibes! But at least there's a tv from 1994!
Pirate's Paradise:
ARG ME HEARTIES! Who's ready to eat some Pirate's Booty?! Don't get caught in the nets above the bed! Also, the daggers are a nice touch!
King Arthur's Castle:
There's a Knight next to the bed, loads of purple, and this MIGHT BE my favorite room they have. Sleep like a King or Queen! And hopefully you can pull your sword from the stone!
Fire and Ice:
Finally! A ROOM WITH PENGUINS! In this room you're transported to the sexiest igloo you could ever imagine! Plus... Are those torches?! Okay, this is getting TOO HOT!
Amazon Rainforest:
Look out for the acid rain and the Mayans! This room has a lot of greenery and leaves.. But honestly, it could use more leaves! Once again... The bathroom is BANANAS!
The Tipi:
Is this cultural appropriation? Because if not... I WANT IN! I used to have a Tipi when I was a kid, and I could really come full circle with this one! I like to imagine the room has constant drums playing in the background and there's no way to shut them off!
Jungle Safari:
I hope you're up to date on your tranq dart vaccines, because you never know if you'll catch one in the neck in this room! The leopard carpet, multiple elephants, and a dreamy bathtub... It makes this room a MUST STAY!
Treasure Island:
That's right! Another Pirate Theme! This time... you can roleplay as the captain of this ship, as you take control of the helm. Throw on an eye patch, a parrot on your shoulder, and be ready to shout LAND HO! This is what romance looks like!
Photo Credit:
Brett Colvin / Natalie Scott.
Anniversary Inn.
Book your stay today at anniversaryinn.com