Movie Filmed In St. George In 1980s… Check This Out!
I grew up watching a movie called "On Our Own". It's about 4 kids who are now orphans after their mother passes away. The 4 kids and their dog run away from their Foster home and go on a road trip to Arizona. However, "Arizona" Is really St. George Utah! The kids have one suitcase and $9 to their names. The movie has a whopping 97% on Google Reviews and a SHOCKING 75% on Rotten Tomatoes! The entire movie is on Youtube right now by searching "On Our Own (1988)"
The kids are sent to a weird hospital looking place with a nurse that looks like she's from the 60's! But they bust out, and steal a car and are running from police! Somehow $9 was enough gas money in 1988 to get from Los Angeles to St. George, Utah!
The kids are on the run! They've stolen a Volkswagen Bug and they're mobbing through Snow Canyon State Park!
Hey! I've seen this old house. It's on the way to Gunlock!
Now the kids are in Veyo trying to gas up the vehicle. They've pumped about $2 into the car before THIS VEYO MAN comes up and is like "YO! WHO'S PAYING FOR THIS $2 GASOLINE?!" Then the kids drive off!
The Feds show up at the Veyo Gas Station asking questions looking for the runaways! I'm pretty sure this is the gas station in Veyo that has the skating rink on the top floor!
The kids end up stopping at another gas station and the youngest kid hits the jackpot on the slot machine! "Burgers and shakes tonight!" they cheer!
These punks watch them hit the jackpot and they're like "HEY! GIVE US ALL THAT MONEY!" They end up all fighting, then suddenly...
THIS LADY SHOWS UP WITH A GUN!!!! SHE'S TELLING THE THUGS TO BACK OFF. They finally back off and leave the $10 in quarters.
They end up going to a motel that night. I have no idea where this hotel was! But it says Oasis Motel, and Welcome To Dixie on the sign!
They're all driving with the gunman that saved their lives, and this is the most 80's thing ever. The 3 year old is literally sitting in the front seat, on a lap, no seatbelt! I remember that. Ahhh, those were the days!
Now they're at a new motel, and we ALL recognize this one! The Sands Motel still stands today, and looks exactly the same!
The next morning, they go and have breakfast at this place. Recognize it? It's RIGHT NEXT to the Pasta Factory! This building is now torn down, but you can still see the awesome wood building that still stands today.
The kids see the Feds and escape! This is the same building, but you can see the building that USED to be across the street. That building is now that new huge hotel where Wood Ash Rye stands today.
Now the kids have stolen a tour bus, and they're ready to paint the town red!
Recognize that building? THey're headed down past Judd's and past the old Woodward School Building.
We've now reached Ivins! This picture looks most accurate today. Almost identical.
We've all seen this road on our way out to Tuacahn! Gorgeous view.
That's it! Again, the movie is called "On Our Own"! and it's on Youtube. Check it out and see what Southern Utah used to look like 35 years ago!