Ideas For A Southern Utah Mother’s Day
The time has come once again to appreciate mothers across the nation and in Utah.
Trying to make your mother feel appreciated and seen on that day can be a very simple task for some but others really want to spend their money on the people who birthed them. Southern Utah has a few places you can go to for a Mother’s Day brunch or dinner.
The Ledges hosts a Mother’s Day brunch every year at the Fish Rock Grille from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Make sure to call or email in advance for a spot.
You can also try Xetava for a memorable Mother’s Day brunch. For those wanting to treat their moms to a fancy dinner, there are several places in town to try. Just remember to get a reservation or expect to wait because everyone else will want to do the same thing.
Places like the Painted Pony, Anasazi Steakhouse, and Longhorn Steakhouse are great options for dinner. You won't be disappointed.
Now, if your mother is anything like mine then she may not really be into going out. So, we usually do takeout of some kind, or I have her choose three meals she would like and cook one for her.
The classic flowers and a card are always appreciated or doing some extra things in her yard/around the house can also be a good way to give back.
The point is, appreciate your mother all year round but especially on Mother’s Day. Have a fantastic Mother’s Day Utah!