The last supermoon of 2023 is this weekend and it’s one you won’t want to miss! 

There were three supermoons already this summer and September's full moon marks the final one of the four. On Friday, September 29, the Harvest Moon will make its appearance along with three planets, said. You’ll be able to view Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury.  

On Friday the Harvest Moon will appear at around 6:33 p.m. EST and should stick around until 6:30 a.m. on Saturday.  

So, what is a supermoon?  

According to, a supermoon is when the moon is closest to the Earth in its orbit. The approach of the moon to Earth is called perigee. The moon ventures out of its usual circular orbit and is more oval shaped allowing it to be closer.  

The proximity of the moon during supermoons means the lunar disk can appear around 30% brighter and around 14% larger as seen from Earth compared to the appearance of the lunar face during "regular" full moons. These differences may be visible to moon-watchers with a lot of experience observing lunar events, but aren’t really that noticeable with the unaided eye to skywatchers who don’t often scrutinize the moon.”— 

The perigee will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 27 a little after 9 p.m. By the time Friday is here, the moon will be roughly 224,657 miles from Earth. The moon is usually 238,000 miles away from our planet.  

So, head out to Dixie Rock or near the old airport ridge to get a beautiful view of Friday’s Harvest Moon! 

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