Cedar City’s Newest Farmers Market Draws A Crowd
This past Friday I was able to check out the second weekend for Cedar Street Fest.
Cedar Street Fest is not only an artisan’s fair and farmers market, as you can see from the pictures, there’s live music, a bouncy house, a rock climbing wall, and more.
I was able to get to Cedar Street Fest between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. and it was very busy. There were several options to pick up dinner from one of the food vendors and get dessert as well. The food vendors ranged from Puerto Rican food, tacos to mochi.
As I walked through the booths, I saw everything from objects to decorate your home or yard, to a booth for the Red Rock Film Festival and a booth for fans of cars. Cedar Street Fest also offers drive-in movies as well!
Cedar Street Fest takes place every Friday from 3 pm-10 pm at the Cedar Fun Center at 170 East Fiddlers Canyon Rd.
Cedar Street Fest has plans to add to its Friday line-up with comedic and theater performances.
You can find out more about Cedar Street Fest at the link here.